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Words and phrases whose definition contains can:   (2356 results)

1 letter:

2 letters:
ai, go, np, pi, po, pr, pu, rh, so

3 letters:
ada, afp, art, bar, bet, bog, box, bus, bwr, cap, cbr, cmb, cmv, dvd, etd, far, fax, fet, few, fig, fit, fly, fps, ftp, gem, gin, gps, gsr, hob, hs2, ill, ken, key, lid, mug, nog, pda, peg, pin, pox, pvc, pwr, ram, rom, rue, see, sew, sls, stm, tab, tin, top, zen

4 letters:
alar, back, base, best, blog, camp, cane, card, carp, cart, cd-r, ciao, clip, cmbr, code, cuff, dado, dead, deal, dflp, dock, door, down, draw, drop, dust, fact, fast, fire, flag, flak, flop, flux, food, ford, form, fuel, fuse, gate, gene, germ, giro, give, good, hold, hume, iris, item, jack, jdam, jook, juke, jump, keel, keep, land, last, leak, lean, lens, line, live, load, lock, loge, make, male, many, mark, meet, mono, name, noun, once, pall, pass, pawn, peat, pick, pita, play, pool, pore, port, raft, rail, rain, read, reel, reit, rest, risc, roll, rook, root, rule, safe, sars, scid, scum, seat, sign, silo, slip, snag, snap, soil, stay, syph, take, tole, trap, type, unit, view, wade, wash, word, work, worm, yell, yoke

5 letters:
401-k, actin, aloha, anova, arava, being, belay, berth, bevel, blaze, block, board, break, bring, broad, caddy, calpe, cd-wo, chute, clear, cleat, clone, close, clove, cobra, count, crash, creep, cruel, crush, cuffs, dolly, ebola, email, eprom, field, flack, golan, golem, graft, group, grout, guide, handy, haven, hinge, hitch, horse, hotel, house, hsv-2, index, inept, jakes, juice, lagan, latch, layby, lidar, ligan, light, limit, lysin, match, metal, moped, mosta, mucus, muton, niddm, noise, ozone, party, pdflp, phone, picul, plate, point, press, privy, pruno, rails, range, ravel, reach, refer, relay, ricin, rival, robot, salon, scald, scent, scout, sense, shlep, sigeh, silly, slate, slide, snare, spade, spark, splay, spool, stack, stage, stand, stead, steel, stoma, stone, taste, there, think, throw, thyme, title, token, toner, touch, tower, track, treat, truce, trust, wedge, wheel, world

6 letters:
act on, afield, allele, always, amends, amount, answer, anyway, arjuna, armful, basics, beacon, bishop, bobbin, breech, busbar, can-do, canful, canned, caries, carter, castle, cavity, cd-rom, ceftin, chetah, choice, clevis, closed, closer, cocain, cohere, couple, coupon, cs gas, dander, decree, detail, divide, domino, donkin, dumper, e-mail, edible, energy, escape, etymon, exacta, extend, eyelid, factor, female, figure, follow, fomite, format, gantry, gbu-28, goiter, goitre, greedy, grille, ground, hangar, hanger, harbor, hawala, hayrig, hearth, icebox, ignite, import, indent, invite, jigsaw, kettle, knight, ladder, lagend, landau, lapful, lay-by, leasta, lipase, locate, longer, lounge, master, medium, memory, mobile, mortar, mugful, notate, object, offing, oilcan, option, outlet, parlor, potted, puddle, puffer, pulley, put up, reader, record, regrow, remote, repair, rig up, rotate, runner, runway, schema, scheme, schist, screen, scroll, sector, set up, shaker, shamus, shovel, signer, signor, sit in, slough, socket, sooner, spider, spirit, spring, square, stands, staple, strobe, struma, surety, t-bill, tenant, theory, ticket, tinker, tinned, tipper, toggle, tracer, trojan, tropic, uplift, valium, vector, voider, vx gas, wicket, winder, zapper

7 letters:
acapnia, acrylic, address, adjunct, advance, agonist, airdock, airfoil, aladdin, allergy, analogy, anthrax, apropos, armhole, arrange, at will, automat, back up, bayonet, bedrock, bivouac, blowgun, bolivia, botulin, breathe, bullpen, busload, buttery, calcify, canteen, capsule, carload, carrier, ceiling, central, channel, cheetah, cistron, cocaine, compare, compass, compile, conduit, connect, console, contain, content, control, cooking, cowbell, cudweed, datable, day bed, deedbox, deposit, divisor, doorway, drizzle, drydock, duality, dungeon, dustpan, e. coli, earshot, eatable, element, express, finance, firebug, fistful, flutter, focused, foghorn, forever, gateway, gauntry, geoduck, go-cart, handful, harbour, harness, hayrack, hearing, helpful, horizon, icterus, impasse, inhaled, inkwell, insofar, jack up, landing, lattice, laundry, lean on, lipitor, loading, lounger, lumbago, make it, manacle, manhole, maypole, measure, medevac, medivac, modulus, molding, monitor, monomer, moorage, mooring, movable, mutagen, overbid, pabulum, padlock, painful, parking, parlour, passing, philter, philtre, pipeful, plantar, plastic, polyoma, premise, premiss, produce, program, protein, prowess, purview, pyrogen, quantum, rainfly, readily, recusal, reflect, regular, reissue, reserve, resolve, retreat, reverse, roundup, rubella, sandfly, seaport, seminal, shackle, signior, skepful, skidpan, skimmed, skyhook, sleeper, slipper, soliton, soonest, species, spyhole, standby, steamer, stencil, stomate, stopper, surface, surgery, synonym, theater, theatre, therein, thimble, timpani, tontine, trailer, treated, trental, tumbler, turnoff, tympani, t hinge, unblock, unravel, upgrade, utterer, vehicle, verdict, victual, voucher, wait on, washing, washtub, web log, zinacef

8 letters:
absolute, aerofoil, aircraft, allergen, alopecia, antonymy, anywhere, aquanaut, arguably, artistry, asbestos, atheroma, backrest, barbette, bareboat, beer can, behavior, benumbed, bitewing, blowfish, blowpipe, blowtube, boatload, botulism, brucella, build in, campsite, cannikin, capacity, cash bar, catapres, chatroom, clip art, close up, coal tar, coatroom, contrary, crossing, dateable, deadlock, dead end, decipher, declarer, diarrhea, diazepam, discover, diuresis, dna chip, document, draw out, dry dock, dumpcart, earreach, engraver, entrepot, ergotism, exchange, extended, fair use, fentanyl, finisher, firework, fire ant, flatwork, forklift, gas ring, gemstone, glanders, golfcart, handcart, handcuff, handlock, help out, hideaway, identity, ignorant, illusory, immunity, impairer, indicant, inkstand, iron ore, jaundice, joystick, keyboard, landmark, leverage, licenser, lifeline, liposome, literate, logicism, lysogeny, magazine, maildrop, marasmus, material, milk can, modeling, moulding, mouthful, narcotic, nescient, newsroom, nutrient, obligate, oceanaut, oliguria, organism, organize, original, outhouse, outmarch, ovenware, pacifism, painting, palpable, palpebra, paracosm, paradigm, parisian, partible, particle, peat bog, peephole, pegboard, perfecta, pet shop, pill bug, pinpoint, pin down, polaroid, polonium, polygene, polysemy, portable, possible, poxvirus, property, pruritus, pull-off, pushcart, pyrectic, quantify, quantise, quantity, quantize, recliner, reflexly, reliving, reminder, repeater, republic, resource, saleroom, sandbank, sand fly, scanning, scramble, seagrass, seaplane, secretin, security, semicoma, separate, sherlock, shigella, shipload, showcase, showroom, singular, slideway, slipknot, snarl-up, soda can, sofa bed, spadeful, stampede, standard, supermom, surfboat, symphony, synechia, synonymy, syphilis, tailgate, teetotum, tent-fly, tolerant, topology, totalize, treasury, trombone, turnspit, tympanum, universe, variable, vegetate, victuals, violable, wanderer, year dot, zoonosis

9 letters:
aflatoxin, aliterate, amphibian, amphiboly, antitoxin, apophatic, arbovirus, armistice, astrodome, asymptote, attribute, automaton, bandstand, bandwidth, bedground, benchmark, blow tube, break out, broadband, calibrate, call girl, casserole, cat's-paw, chat room, chin rest, chromogen, cloakroom, clonidine, coin slot, collotype, commander, component, concourse, container, contumacy, countable, covalence, covalency, crematory, criterion, crossover, crosswalk, cup morel, dead mail, democracy, detection, detergent, detonator, diarrhoea, dichromia, digestion, dimension, dispenser, dividable, drop-leaf, ductility, dystopian, eliminate, enlighten, fireplace, fire door, first aid, flat wash, flip-flop, fly sheet, fogsignal, foodstuff, free form, free port, free zone, frog kick, gene chip, gibraltar, gin rummy, globefish, golf cart, granulate, groupware, ha'p'orth, half door, hallstand, handcuffs, hard time, heat pump, hedgefund, heliotype, hemolysin, heritable, hitchrack, hold down, hole card, identikit, ignescent, immigrate, indicator, infection, inhibited, interpret, irregular, juiceless, kingmaker, landscape, land line, laying on, lead time, leaf form, lightning, line item, listening, litterbin, lock-gate, looseleaf, lubricate, lucky dip, lunchroom, mail slot, mastering, mechanism, megacolon, meliorism, microglia, microwave, milky way, mitigable, modelling, motivated, nullifier, numerable, oil shale, oligopoly, operation, operative, organiser, organizer, orthopnea, pack tent, parameter, penn'orth, phenotype, playhouse, pluralist, plutonium, polymorph, principle, programme, radiation, recombine, rectocele, reference, reimburse, renewable, rent-free, requisite, residence, rest area, rest stop, retriever, retroflex, rhizobium, rh factor, saber saw, salad bar, salad oil, salesroom, sash lock, saxitoxin, scombroid, scrapbook, selection, sequencer, shop talk, shovelful, sightsing, signboard, signified, signifier, ski-plane, skid road, smell out, sod's law, sound out, stalemate, statistic, stipulate, stopwatch, strongbox, sublimaze, summation, surveying, tailboard, tarantula, tea caddy, technical, tee hinge, telephone, tent flap, testcross, threshold, throw rug, time bomb, tip table, tip truck, titration, trainload, translate, transpose, treadmill, trivially, truculent, tv dinner, unrefined, vellicate, versatile, videodisc, videodisk, viewpoint, visualize, vocaliser, vocalizer, wall plug, washables, wash away, whirligig, wholesale, wild card, woodscrew, wood tick, word form, write off, xanthemia

10 letters:
401-k plan, acrylamide, admonisher, alphavirus, ammunition, appeasable, arborvirus, assumption, autophytic, background, bain-marie, barbershop, bed-ground, bed ground, blow drier, blow dryer, book token, borrow pit, box-number, box turtle, brake band, bubble gum, bunyavirus, campground, card table, carvedilol, car mirror, cataphatic, cease-fire, cefuroxime, church key, coffee can, cognizance, comestible, contractor, cornflower, daminozide, david hume, deductible, depository, descriptor, dichromacy, dichromasy, disk cache, door latch, dot matrix, drawbridge, draw poker, drop cloth, dump truck, dutch door, emery rock, encampment, enumerable, exceedance, eyewitness, fatty acid, fee simple, flare star, flashpoint, flip chart, front room, great hall, guardhouse, haemolysin, hair drier, hair dryer, hammerhead, hard candy, hectograph, hedge fund, hierarchic, holography, hydroplane, hypermedia, hypocapnia, illuminant, inarguable, inhibition, instrument, intoxicant, invaginate, jook house, jook joint, juke house, juke joint, jungle gym, kettledrum, labor pool, lactosuria, leadership, leaf shape, legibility, legionella, lever lock, life cycle, lip reader, logic gate, map-reader, mohs scale, murphy bed, mycoplasma, naturalism, naturalist, neural net, oort cloud, packsaddle, particular, pathfinder, pennyworth, pilothouse, plasticity, ponderable, population, portcullis, proctocele, punch card, recusation, regression, repertoire, repository, reproducer, resilience, resiliency, resistance, reversible, rheumatism, rickettsia, salmonella, sclerotium, sea squirt, semitrance, sequenator, sheep-tick, sheep bell, sheep tick, shopaholic, shortgrass, sketchbook, sketch pad, slip coach, smart bomb, smear word, smokestack, solar dish, solubility, squeeze by, standstill, steam bath, steam iron, steam room, substitute, sufficient, superfecta, synonymity, tear sheet, telomerase, terreplein, test-cross, thermistor, time frame, tool steel, touchstone, towel rack, translunar, transplant, transposon, unarguable, unenforced, unscramble, vapor bath, wheelhouse, wind bells

11 letters:
accommodate, account for, actinic ray, adult tooth, agnosticism, air cushion, allelomorph, alternative, amphibology, autotrophic, barbiturate, beach grass, beacon fire, bohr theory, bottle bank, brain death, burn center, canned meat, carotenemia, car carrier, cine-camera, clock radio, clot buster, combustible, competition, conceive of, conciliable, conditioner, constituent, contracting, control rod, convertible, correlation, crematorium, daggerboard, dead letter, declaration, deliverable, denumerable, disentangle, disturbance, ebola fever, ebola virus, effectively, emery stone, empirically, endorsement, enterovirus, escape cock, everlasting, facultative, fatty liver, firelighter, flash point, floxuridine, force field, four-poster, fuzzy logic, giro cheque, guest night, guinea worm, handwriting, hand blower, hemosiderin, hyperpiesia, hyperpiesis, hypertrophy, implication, inheritable, invalidator, jactitation, keratoconus, knock rummy, labor force, lassa fever, latchstring, leflunomide, lift bridge, liquid diet, living-room, living room, locker room, look around, love-potion, lower court, lumbar pain, lumber room, main clause, master copy, memory chip, menorrhagia, message pad, mobile home, monochromia, multiplexer, noun phrase, orientalism, paper money, paternoster, pea shooter, pinocytosis, placeholder, postulation, preassemble, predication, preposition, private eye, probabilism, propanediol, pyrotechnic, rap session, rationalize, readability, repair shed, replacement, ricin toxin, rifle range, room access, safari park, scatter rug, short-grass, short-order, short order, show window, space probe, spellbinder, springiness, stomach flu, stopo watch, strawflower, street drug, stroboscope, succedaneum, superimpose, supply line, swing voter, synthesiser, synthesizer, telepathize, temperament, teratogenic, text editor, thyromegaly, ticket book, tinned meat, toilet bowl, tooth decay, towel horse, toxic waste, traffic jam, translunary, travel iron, typing pool, unbelieving, unrenewable, uranium ore, vapour bath, wall socket, wendy house, window lock, wind chimes, writing pad

12 letters:
acrocyanosis, air mattress, all together, alphabetiser, alphabetizer, alpha bronze, appropriable, atorvastatin, bank account, belaying pin, bevel square, box tortoise, branchiopoda, bryan donkin, camping area, camping site, carrier wave, cd-rom drive, characterize, cheval glass, chinning bar, choir school, circuit card, city council, civic center, coffee table, commonwealth, comprehended, conceptually, constipation, content word, credit union, dalton's law, dichromatism, disambiguate, diving board, drawing room, drop biscuit, drop curtain, earth-closet, ejector seat, energy level, energy state, erythrolysin, escape valve, fat embolism, first strike, flak catcher, flash memory, food product, fundamentals, funeral home, gambling den, gaming house, garlic clove, gas gangrene, gas phlegmon, generic drug, get the best, giro account, graving dock, guide fossil, haemosiderin, hepatic coma, hereditament, hierarchical, hitching bar, holding cell, hospital bed, hydrocephaly, hypercoaster, immeasurably, incomparable, index fossil, index number, input device, interference, intervention, irregularity, jumping gene, jumping jack, jurisdiction, kingdom come, legitimately, loading area, loading dock, loading zone, lock chamber, love-philter, love-philtre, machine-wash, machine code, magnetic ink, malleability, malnutrition, mental block, metalanguage, minute steak, monochromacy, monochromasy, movie camera, murphy's law, nonrenewable, nuclear fuel, offshore rig, open primary, optical disc, optical disk, overcritical, papier-mache, parking zone, permeability, perviousness, pocket bread, point system, praseodymium, preeclampsia, prefabricate, pulley-block, punched card, rachischisis, radiator cap, rear of tube, receivership, reductionism, refrigerator, relief valve, reproducible, rhetorically, riding mower, safety valve, screw wrench, shoulder bag, significance, sitting room, skeleton key, sketch block, snatch block, soliton wave, speakerphone, spectrograph, spina bifida, spinning top, spiritualism, storage cell, storage ring, storm cellar, straightedge, strobe light, strontium 90, studio couch, supertwister, supply route, syntax error, tanker plane, thrombolytic, tiered seats, time deposit, tipper lorry, tipper truck, tomato sauce, touch-typist, touch system, touch typing, trailer camp, trailer park, transaminate, transitively, triple crown, uncomparable, unreservedly, use immunity, visual field, visual range, voting booth, waiting area, waiting room, window shade, wonder woman, wrought iron, zen buddhism

13 letters:
acoustic buoy, acrylic resin, actinomycosis, agrobacterium, arctic circle, assembly hall, bimetallistic, book of facts, bunker buster, cardiac cycle, catch up with, circuit board, communication, compass plane, comprehension, critical mass, cutting board, dental caries, dessert plate, diabetic coma, diametrically, dilatory plea, display board, display panel, dog stinkhorn, dressing room, drug of abuse, ejection seat, enjoyableness, expansion bit, expansive bit, false ragweed, female person, field of fire, fixed storage, flack catcher, floating dock, folding chair, folding money, free morpheme, freudian slip, gallop rhythm, gambling hell, golan heights, hang together, hitching post, house trailer, hydrocephalus, ink cartridge, labyrinthitis, landing place, landing stage, language unit, litter-basket, litter basket, lorentz force, lubber's hole, machine screw, magnetic head, majority rule, marburg virus, mononucleosis, nullification, observed fire, on-off switch, on/off switch, outdoor stage, pants presser, parking space, penetrability, permeableness, personal care, pneumatophore, polyoma virus, pre-eclampsia, press of sail, protest march, quasiparticle, random memory, rayleigh disk, referred pain, rhesus factor, rouge et noir, sacerdotalism, sash fastener, sewing basket, silver bullet, silver screen, slip carriage, socket wrench, solar furnace, solitary wave, spell-checker, splenic fever, stage whisper, stock buyback, streptokinase, switch-hitter, telephone set, theater stage, theatre stage, thermoplastic, tip-top table, toggle switch, toxoplasmosis, tracer bullet, translocation, treasury bill, triangulation, trouser press, twilight zone, uncomfortable, unconsummated, unexceptional, vantage point, variola virus, visible light, winter squash, writing board

14 letters:
acrylate resin, actual damages, age of consent, analysis situs, attention span, bayes' theorem, benzodiazepine, bioremediation, botulismotoxin, broadcast area, camping ground, carpet slipper, cartridge clip, cartridge font, cerebral death, chopping block, chopping board, cigarette case, circular plane, closed primary, cocktail table, command module, compressed gas, container ship, convex polygon, coriolis force, cyclone cellar, cytophotometer, delayed action, demand deposit, detention camp, detention home, dichromatopsia, discharge pipe, dispensability, dracunculiasis, experimentally, fat metabolism, ferrimagnetism, field capacity, field of force, fighting chair, flexible joint, floating voter, font cartridge, funeral chapel, funeral church, funeral parlor, gambling house, genetic marker, genus fusarium, genus sphagnum, german measles, globe amaranth, guided missile, halfpennyworth, high-angle gun, hollerith card, hypermenorrhea, immune carrier, inferior court, initialisation, initialization, intestinal flu, intransitively, iris diaphragm, ixodes ricinus, light-fingered, locking pliers, lost-and-found, microevolution, millivoltmeter, monochromatism, neural network, nonproprietary, nuts and bolts, onchocerciasis, open fireplace, otitis interna, ozone sickness, pancake turtle, paper currency, partial breach, pentoxifylline, prefabrication, pressure point, pyramidal tent, quantitatively, quartz crystal, radiosensitive, rallying point, raynaud's sign, read-only file, rear of barrel, reference book, reference work, remote control, removable disk, rough sledding, schmidt camera, scombroid fish, secondary cell, shift register, sloping trough, smallpox virus, solid solution, state tax lien, stepping stone, street address, synonymousness, technical foul, tilt-top table, tornado cellar, toxic dumpsite, twilight sleep, two-way street, vital capacity, wrongful death, zona pellucida

15 letters:
accounting data, allocation unit, annular eclipse, aplastic anemia, basic principle, botulinus toxin, brand-name drug, call forwarding, cartesian plane, chemical energy, chemical weapon, chloral hydrate, coaling station, conference room, control surface, cumulative vote, cytomegalovirus, deposit account, detention house, disk controller, dispensableness, elastic bandage, electrical fuse, electric outlet, electric socket, electronic mail, electronic text, equivalent word, execution speed, expense account, fairy godmother, federal deficit, fere phenomenon, field of regard, field of vision, finding of fact, funeral parlour, gastroenteritis, general damages, genus rhizobium, glandular fever, hearing officer, hostile witness, hypoproteinemia, interchangeable, interchangeably, iva xanthifolia, kinesthetically, kissing disease, kussmaul's coma, line of defence, line of defense, linguistic unit, literate person, mailing address, movable barrier, mutinus caninus, nephrosclerosis, nurse clinician, open-class word, open-end credit, panoramic sight, permanent tooth, phi coefficient, phi correlation, physical object, placenta previa, poisonous plant, press of canvas, rational motive, reclining chair, registered bond, reviewing stand, river blindness, rumpelstiltskin, schistorrhachis, schola cantorum, semi-automatize, service routine, silicon carbide, solar collector, thiocyanic acid, utility routine, vested interest, virtual reality, yersinia pestis, yes-no question

16 letters:
absolute ceiling, acinonyx jubatus, aliterate person, aplastic anaemia, artificial blood, astreus pteridis, atomic number 59, atomic number 84, atomic number 94, backpacking tent, bureau de change, butterfly effect, candida albicans, cantering rhythm, cartridge holder, channel capacity, checking account, closed-captioned, combination lock, community center, computer program, conference house, convenience food, convertible bond, corrugated board, cottage industry, departure lounge, difference limen, disciotis venosa, electrical relay, electric blanket, electromagnetism, epidemic roseola, epigastric fossa, erythrocytolysin, eschatologically, escherichia coli, essential tremor, extension ladder, forceps delivery, futures contract, genus rickettsia, hammerhead shark, hearing examiner, heir presumptive, herpes simplex 2, hyperventilation, hypervitaminosis, hypothrombinemia, immediate memory, infernal machine, intrinsic factor, l. monocytogenes, leveraged buyout, logical topology, machiavellianism, machine language, metallic element, mexican standoff, microscope slide, military reserve, milky way galaxy, milky way system, monilia albicans, mucous secretion, multiculturalism, nash equilibrium, natural theology, on-line database, pilot experiment, pneumonic plague, polar opposition, portacaval shunt, proprietary drug, propylene glycol, rationalize away, read-only memory, reusable program, reusable routine, revolving credit, seating capacity, shoulder holster, spelling checker, tensile strength, thermal resistor, thermobaric bomb, toxic waste dump, toxic waste site, type ii diabetes, underdevelopment, valence electron, voluntary muscle, withdrawing room, zoonotic disease

17 letters:
abatable nuisance, ablative absolute, acquired immunity, actinic radiation, activation energy, adenomatous polyp, adjustable wrench, allergic reaction, alpha fetoprotein, american dog tick, bachelor's button, background signal, barbette carriage, biosafety level 2, biosafety level 3, biosafety level 4, center of gravity, centre of gravity, chronic gastritis, computer database, conference center, control condition, cremation chamber, data input device, detonating device, drilling platform, edible sea urchin, electrical outlet, experimenter bias, fiber optic cable, fibre optic cable, first-aid station, floating dry dock, foucault pendulum, funeral-residence, gomphrena globosa, hypermedia system, identikit picture, immunosuppression, judicial activism, lexical ambiguity, manufactured home, nitrogen narcosis, portable computer, private detective, probabilistically, projection screen, psychoactive drug, pulmonary reserve, push-button radio, read-only storage, read/write memory, reciprocating saw, recursive routine, rental collection, repeating firearm, res ipsa loquitur, rock of gibraltar, schmidt telescope, seizure-alert dog, short-term memory, simple regression, three-day measles, tower of strength, variable quantity, visible radiation, voltage regulator, werlhof's disease

18 letters:
absolute threshold, adjustable spanner, alpha foetoprotein, american mistletoe, amphibious vehicle, atrophic arthritis, authoring language, bacillus anthracis, biomedical cloning, castration anxiety, chemical terrorism, collotype printing, competence hearing, computer programme, cookie jar reserve, craniometric point, differential limen, disembodied spirit, echinus esculentus, euclidean geometry, everlasting flower, histocompatibility, house of detention, hypoplastic anemia, independent clause, inflatable cushion, mechanical mixture, medical evacuation, mind-altering drug, musical instrument, myotonia atrophica, myotonic dystrophy, northern snakehead, nuclear deterrence, nurse practitioner, off-axis reflector, parabolic geometry, perforated eardrum, personal organiser, personal organizer, photographic paper, photographic plate, pillar of strength, pit of the stomach, predictor variable, psychotropic agent, radiation sickness, radiation syndrome, radioactive dating, renewable resource, reversible process, rh incompatibility, severable contract, sovereign immunity, status epilepticus, steinert's disease, substitution class, symphony orchestra, telephone exchange, thrombolytic agent, trente-et-quarante

19 letters:
adenosine deaminase, blood extravasation, bottom fermentation, burweed marsh elder, cataloged procedure, compatible software, doctrine of analogy, electric receptacle, electronic database, elementary geometry, exclusion principle, functional disorder, genus agrobacterium, guided bomb unit-28, guinea worm disease, hyperparathyroidism, hypoplastic anaemia, keratosis nigricans, occupational hazard, parametric quantity, relocatable program, remote-control bomb, serratia marcescens, soft-shelled turtle, st. lawrence seaway, therapeutic cloning, twentieth amendment

20 letters:
acanthosis nigricans, adult-onset diabetes, analysis of variance, broad interpretation, combustible material, communicable disease, compensatory damages, convertible security, corrugated cardboard, difference threshold, energy of activation, gangrenous emphysema, immunochemical assay, low-level formatting, macular degeneration, monochromatic vision, nephroangiosclerosis, photogelatin process, private investigator, purpura hemorrhagica, random-access memory, random access memory, recursive definition, rheumatoid arthritis, seborrheic keratosis, testimonial immunity, time deposit account, transfusion reaction, transmission channel, transshipment center, uvularia grandiflora

21 letters:
ball-and-socket joint, boiling water reactor, building supply house, building supply store, cardiac insufficiency, charge account credit, chronic renal failure, dedicated file server, fundamental principle, herschelian telescope, machine-readable text, mature-onset diabetes, motion-picture camera, phlebotomus papatasii, photographic material, piezoelectric crystal, political correctness, saint lawrence seaway, self-adapting program, sodium lauryl sulfate, subclass branchiopoda, tarchanoff phenomenon, unit investment trust, unstratified language, wave-particle duality

22 letters:
chronic kidney failure, chronic pyelonephritis, coronary insufficiency, dermacentor variabilis, differential threshold, electrodermal response, emphysematous gangrene, emphysematous phlegmon, essential hypertension, file transfer protocol, fixed investment trust, francisella tularensis, galvanic skin response, husband-wife privilege, hyperemesis gravidarum, interactive multimedia, listeria monocytogenes, nondiscretionary trust, obstruction of justice, phoradendron serotinum, political correctitude, primary solid solution, psychoactive substance, simultaneous equations, sodium lauryl sulphate, statistical regression, statute of limitations, toxic industrial waste, unsaturated fatty acid, west nile encephalitis

23 letters:
artificial intelligence, clostridial myonecrosis, clostridium perfringens, common stock equivalent, compact disc recordable, compact disc write-once, correlation coefficient, ebola hemorrhagic fever, field-effect transistor, legionella pneumophilia, looseness of the bowels, maturity-onset diabetes, negative identification, phoradendron flavescens, political incorrectness, positive identification, psychogalvanic response, surveillance of disease

24 letters:
biometric identification, chlorophyllum molybdites, clear and present danger, electrical skin response, erythroblastosis fetalis, gastroboletus turbinatus, hyperbetalipoproteinemia, infectious mononucleosis, perpetual motion machine, thrombocytopenic purpura

25 letters:
explosive trace detection, global positioning system, maple syrup urine disease, non-dedicated file server, pauli exclusion principle, pressurized water reactor

26 letters:
coefficient of correlation, federal protective service, fourfold point correlation, ketosis-resistant diabetes, personal digital assistant, regression toward the mean

27 letters:
branched chain ketoaciduria, charcot-marie-tooth disease, consciousness-altering drug, cosmic background radiation, cosmic microwave background, law of multiple proportions, myotonic muscular dystrophy

28 letters:
joint direct attack munition, real estate investment trust, second law of thermodynamics

29 letters:
adult-onset diabetes mellitus, compact disc read-only memory, interactive multimedia system

30 letters:
chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile, electronic information service, equivalent-binary-digit factor, non-insulin-dependent diabetes

31 letters:
ketoacidosis-resistant diabetes

32 letters:
marital communications privilege, maturity-onset diabetes mellitus, reduced instruction set computer, severe combined immunodeficiency, travel and entertainment account

33 letters:
premature ventricular contraction, reduced instruction set computing, severe acute respiratory syndrome

34 letters:
progressive emphysematous necrosis

35 letters:
idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, ketosis-resistant diabetes mellitus

37 letters:
cosmic microwave background radiation

38 letters:
erasable programmable read-only memory

39 letters:
hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

40 letters:
democratic front for the liberation of palestine, ketoacidosis-resistant diabetes mellitus, popular democratic front for the liberation of palestine, severe combined immunodeficiency disease

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